Turn The Page – Episode 271C – John H. Foote

John H. Foote, an accomplished film critic and writer, has just published CINEMA OF THE 70S: 101 ICONIC MOVIES. Jenn asks John about the failures of 1960s blockbusters, the rise of the auteur, and the director-actor collaborations that defined the period.

Turn The Page – Episode 270C – Chris Grosso and Preston Fassel

Episode two hundred seventy – part three

Chris Grosso and Preston Fassel are the authors of A NECESSARY DEATH: WHAT HORROR MOVIES TEACH US ABOUT NAVIGATING THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE, which celebrates the genre and offers individuals a unique opportunity for insight and understanding of their own lives. Preston stopped by to chat about the book with Jenn!

Turn The Page – Episode 270D – Carson Winter and Jolie Toomajan

NEVER TRUST A HOUSE WITH A NAME. Carson Winter and Jolie Toomajan stopped by to chat about POSTHASTE MANOR, a creative horror collaboration consisting of a novella and a set of short stories. We chat about spitting writing duties, collaborating remotely, and constructing a deranged house.

Turn The Page – Episode 270B – Christopher Carton

Chris Carton stopped by the show to chat about his new book, THE HISTORY OF ADVENTURE VIDEO GAME. We reminisce about MYST, The Seventh Guest, Grim Fandango, and other classics of the genre!