Turn The Page – Episode 65 — Kathleen Kim

Episode Sixty-Five: Syosset Stories with Kathleen Kim:

Kim, a SHS class of ’97 alum talks about how community and connection, along with her love of puppetry brought her to work on Sesame Street, the upcoming Mr. Rogers film (yes, the one with Tom Hanks), and even to the stage of Saturday Night Live! A perfect Thanksgiving treat for anyone who has ever wondered where life will take you, this episode is an extra helping of joy.

Turn The Page – Episode 64 — Atlas Obscura

Episode Sixty Four: Atlas Obscura and the Weird and Wonderful World

Thirsty for adventure? Let Ella Morton of Atlas Obscura plan your next vacation! A.O. became an internet sensation for collecting stories of strange and remote destinations around the world — and since have published books on their findings. Morton will talk about some favorite remote destinations as well as some unique spots that are a stones throw from Syosset New York.

Turn The Page – Episode 63 — Daniel Lisi of Not a Cult Media

Episode 63: “Something True and Beautiful” – Daniel Lisi of Not a Cult Media :

Lisi, an independent book publisher talks with us about the physical book as an art form, the advent of small house publishing, companies and how raising up fresh voices can build a better world through literature.

Turn The Page – Episode 62 — Howie Rose

Episode Sixty Two – PUT IT IN THE BOOKS with Howie Rose

Legendary sports broadcaster Howie Rose chats with us about some of his favorite moments in sports and how various trends in sports fandom have changed the way people watch their games.