Turn The Page – Episode 221B – Liz Miele

Amateur cat enthusiast Jenn got to sit down with professional cat enthusiast Liz Miele, a brilliant comedian and the author of WHY CATS ARE ASSHOLES. Jenn and Liz discuss cat behavior, cat ownership, and why we love cats despite the title being true.

Turn The Page – Episode 221A – Mike Uyama

Mike Uyama indulges Jessikah and Stacey in how he built a community of video gamers who channel their speedy skills as part of Games Done Quick, a wholesome live streamed event which has raised millions of dollars for Doctors Without Borders and the Prevent Cancer Association.

Games Done Quick

Turn The Page – Episode 221C – Theresa Carle-Sanders

Melissa & Jenn spoke to Theresa Carle-Sanders, author of CASTLE ROCK KITCHEN: WICKED GOOD RECIPES FROM THE WORLD OF STEPHEN KING. This trio of King fans talked about food and Maine culture in King’s books, and capturing the voice of one of King’s characters.

Turn The Page – Episode 220A – Storm and Zoey of One Star Review Guess Who?

Storm and Zoey of the Fowlerville District Library in Michigan discuss their viral TikTok series One Star Review Guess Who? Where they read scathing reviews of popular books with hilarious results.

Turn The Page – Episode 220B – Megan Shepherd

Jessikah chats with Megan Shepherd about MALICE HOUSE, a great dark fantasy which finds Haven, a 30 something discovering layers of secrets about her late father — an author who leaves a strange unpublished manuscript behind in his home which leads her down a rabbit hole of magic and terror.

Turn The Page – Episode 219A – Erika T. Wurth

Erika Wurth’s WHITE HORSE is a love letter to native Colorado, dive bars, heavy metal, and Stephen King, wrapped in a terrifying story about murder, betrayal, and intergenerational trauma. Jenn sat down to discuss this amazing debut with its author.

Turn The Page – Episode 219C – Puja Shah

Puja Shah, Syosset alum and author, joins us to chat about FOR MY SISTER, Shah’s debut novel finds twin sisters growing up outside of Mumbai who find themselves caught up in a world of human trafficking. Puja talks how her love of social justice and writing was sparked within the walls of Syosset High School.

Turn The Page – Episode 219B – Michelle Myles

Michelle Myles of NYC’s Daredevil Tattoo Museum chats tattoo history in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, her own journey as a tattoo artist, and some of the favorite pieces of history in the Tattoo Museum curated by Michelle and her colleagues at the shop.


Turn The Page – Episode 218A – Lily Hirsch

In anticipation of WEIRD: THE WEIRD AL STORY we sat down with musicologist Lily Hirsch to discuss WEIRD AL: SERIOUSLY — a serious study at music’s most beloved funny song man. We also answer the question on everyone’s mind, “Did Weird Al date Madonna?”. Spoiler alert! He did not.

Turn The Page – Episode 218B – Katy Hays

Katy Hays’ THE CLOISTERS is Read with Jenna’s November pick! Jenn was lucky enough to chat with Katy about this astonishing debut set at the Cloisters Museum in uptown Manhattan– one of Jenn’s favorite places in the world!